A summer flair of hot air

During January’s dark winter days, summer isn’t more than a distant memory. But looking through photos from 2011 I found this really nice summer moment from August.

Hot air balloons were taking off from Gärdet and the late summer sun was slowly setting. I abruptly left the dinner table, grabbed my gear and ran out. With the camera mounted on a tripod I shot about 1200 photos from two different locations.

Here it is… a short but sweet time lapsed summer memory (also available in HD).

And this is how I created the time lapse:

Continue reading “A summer flair of hot air”

Video har just kommit till DSLR-världen

Är man så pass intresserad av digitala systemkameror att man bevakar nya releaser, hänger på forum och läser bloggar dagarna i ände så är det här ingen ny nyhet. Men dock en intressant nyhet.

BÃ¥de Nikon och Canon lanserar DSLR:er med möjlighet till HD videoinspelning! Nikon pÃ¥ sin “prosumer” D90 (720p) och Canon pÃ¥ den mer professionella EOS 5D MKII (1080p).

Det är klart att de här första versionerna kommer ha sina begränsningar, men tänk vilka möjligheter man fÃ¥r när man nu kan spela in video med alla de objektiv man normalt fotograferar med. Vidvinkel, zoom, macro m.m. Jag gissar att videofilmerna pÃ¥ YouTube snart kommer börja se annorlunda ut… 🙂

Tillsvidare finns dessa första filmer att titta på. Reveire ser otroligt vacker ut!

D90 exempel – Bl.a. exempel pÃ¥ olika objektiv.
Reverie – Kortfilm filmad med nya Canon EOS 5D MKII

Ha-begär någon?

Animoto: Video slideshows of your photos

Have you ever spent hours trying to make a nice slideshow of photos you’ve taken? Synchronizing photos with music? Adding effects to pan and zoom photos? Thinking that there must be an easier way?

With Animoto you just upload your images, add a soundtrack and voilà – a cool unique slideshow ready to be downloaded, used online and shared. The basic service is free but they charge a fee for more advanced features.

This first test took me about 15 minutes to complete using some of the photos I had from
“Stockholm by early morgon”.


By the way, if you decide to try it, you can use this referral code: tuprvygb. It will give you a $5 discount should you choose to upgrade to an “all access pass”.